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Resources and tools for clinicians

e-hub Assist Resource Centre

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Clinician Manual

The Clinician Manual is for clinicians who wish to use e-hub Health's programs as an adjunct to their own clinical practice.


Therapists may work through the program in a structured manner, discussing the material with a client in detail as part of therapy, or choose to use specific parts of the program most relevant to their client's situation.


The Clinician Manual provides:

  • An overview of e-hub Health.

  • Information about moodgym and e-couch, including target users and evidence of effectiveness.

  • Details of the programs, including descriptions of module content and exercises, and considerations for use.

  • Details of symptom screening and other assessments used in e-hub Health’s programs and the tailored feedback provided to users based on their scores.

e-hub health programs

Program handouts

e-hub Health’s product information sheets are designed to be shared with your clients, and provide detailed information in a simple Q&A format. 


Click below to download these guides based on the template endorsed by the Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Healthcare.

Download moodgym information sheet

e-couch information sheet

Download BluePages information sheet

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Mobile Phone

Referral email

It can be useful to email relevant program details directly to your client.


Click below to view pre-written content which you can copy and paste into an email.

What is the difference between moodgym & e-couch?

person doing depression quiz on moodgym

moodgym structure

moodgym is a highly structured, 5-module program that integrates mental health literacy, assessments, and self-help strategies. 


Users work through the program in a linear sequence and are required to complete quizzes in each module in order to continue. 


Once users complete each module, the program saves the content and quiz scores, so the user can track their progress over time.

moodgym interventions

moodgym was originally designed as a depression prevention program for young people aged 16 to 25 years old. 


The program primarily provides cognitive behaviour therapy skills for depression, as well as activity scheduling, relaxation therapy, and a simple problem-solving technique. 


Although originally designed for depressive symptoms, the interventions have also been shown to be effective in preventing and reducing anxiety symptoms (see moodgym research evidence).

moodgym mobile screenshot
moodgym tablet screen

moodgym pros & cons

Some users enjoy the structured learning environment of moodgym and the rapid introduction of cognitive self-help strategies. Others may wish to choose between different skills and modules designed to address a wider range of symptoms. 


For these users, e-couch may be more suitable as it offers a broader range of self-help options and provides initial educational material to help users make informed choices.


Adults older than 25 years may find the examples used in moodgym are not relevant to their current life situation. However, the program has been used by adults of all ages, and has been extensively evaluated and found to be effective in older age groups.

e-couch structure

e-couch is a dynamic, open-ended program with 5 discrete topics: (1) depression (2) generalised anxiety disorder (3) social anxiety (4) relationship breakdown (5) bereavement


Each program has an information module with details about the area of concern, an overview of the evidence base for interventions, and self-help modules tailored to these 5 conditions or situations.


Users of e-couch are required to complete some quizzes after registration and feedback is provided about the user's symptom levels. Users can choose which programs to work with, and can access the modules in any order. 

e-couch in use social anxiety in social situations
e-couch CBT resource online

e-couch interventions

e-couch provides mental health literacy and interventions tailored for the 5 areas listed above, and includes cognitive behaviour therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy, problem solving, physical activity, relaxation therapy, exposure therapy, attention practice, social skills training, and anger management.

e-couch pros and cons

Some people enjoy the greater diversity of material within e-couch and the freedom of movement, which allows users to choose the program and toolkits they would like to access. moodgym might be more beneficial for people who prefer a structured, linear approach that moves immediately into interventions.

Woman taking a self help online course
Accredited Digital Mental Health Service
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